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Home For sale in Palatino Cerro, Havana

Ad Quality
5.00 / 5

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Listing features Click to show info

  • Type of property: Home
  • Building style: 50 year
  • Building style: 50 year
  • Sale price:: 50 000 CUC
  • Rooms: 5
  • Bathrooms: 4
  • Kitchens: 3
  • Surface 320 mts2
  • Year of construction: 1958
  • Building style: 50 year
  • Construction type: Masonry and plate
  • Home conditions: Very well

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Property descriptionClick to show info

  • Ref: 245 492
  • Published: 8 year and 10 months

    Datos of the casa:

    Casa independent-style capitalist, but construction almost all modern, 3 floors, very spacious and in perfect condition. The windows of almost all of the House are of iron and cristal.
    ***Con Street Gas *
    * our House is in a very central place feasible to move and transport, because I live one block away from Vento and one of Via Blanca, only two of Lacret, and 5 from Sta Catalina.
    ***Construcción extremely solid with several-pardès load , columns and alquitrabes, that allow you to build another plant, if so what desea.


    Nota important: are a total of 5 rooms and 4 baños.

    Planta baja:
    - great, with the door of iron lattice portal grande
    - Hall and cristal.
    -hall ancho.
    -bathroom mediano.
    -big kitchen original in good plateau with its shelving estado.
    -terrace techada.
    -backyard outdoor lattice with elevated tank that supplies floor baja.

    1er piso:
    - kitchen mediana
    - two rooms on either side of the kitchen, one of them with separate bathroom and balcony overlooking the street and the other with shared bathroom with the adjoining room , that would be the 3rd quarter of the piso.
    -3 rooms in total and two baños.

    2do piso:
    - Hall or cuarto
    -kitchen pequena
    -another room with bathroom. For a total of two cuartos.
    -service yard under techo
    -terrace, fenced and covered a part and the rest without roofing, with exit door serving up furniture with a ladder toward the plate soga.
    -free with 5 water tanks that feed throughout the House, with independent by piso.

    Detalles distribution important:
    -the 1st two current plants is divided from the 3rd floor , which would facilitate the two families live juntas.
    -the staircase to the upper floors is of white marble up to the 1st floor after floor of granite up to the 2nd floor, and slabs yellow beteadas of the good strong before, until the 3rd piso.
    -all rooms are large 4 x 4 or more with their water distribution system closets.
    -is very independent and secure with stops at all the entradas.
    -there is no tanker but there is space for it, and not necessary engine of water, as it comes with great force is close to the aqueduct and fill all tanks of the House.

Location of propertyClick to show info

  • Address: Gangacasa ind triplanta,5/4,GasCalle.Palatino.Cerro(b1d13) - $50,000
  • Locality: Palatino
  • Municipality: Cerro
  • Province: Havana
  • Home location: In town, downtown

Geolocalización Click to show info

Contact data Click to show info

  • Full name: Cira y Frank
  • Telephone: 77683806 y 58080368
  • Contact hours: Todo el día

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