Detras de la Fachada

Concept: Ad Quality

With the aim of increasing the quality of services behind the facade introduces a new concept: Ad Quality, which determines the amount and quality of information provided in the sale and rental listings published on the site.

Below we provide the parameters that determine the value of this concept, it will help owners of the ads to improve the quality of them, increase the number of visits and get a better position in search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, AOL, among others.

Parameter list sorted in descending order according to their relevance in the calculation of the concept.

>Property Description:

It is important to provide as much information as possible about the characteristics of the property that is being advertised. We recommend further describe the distribution of the same, the characteristics of the area where it is located, the dimensions of the rooms that make up, the materials used in carpentry, ventilation and natural lighting received, refer to the latest repairs could have done as well as the distance that lies attractions and main routes of communication.

>Number of photos:

This parameter is very important as most visitors choose ads which have published photos of the property, remember that a picture is worth a thousand words and behind the facade does not limit the number of photos to post, so take advantage of this opportunity and add to your ad as many images as possible. Post as picture plane of the house, which is requested by most buyers.

Discuss each of the photos, this will help visitors to your listing to better understand the distribution and characteristics of your home.

>Property location:

Make the location of the property, the Visitors will be pleased to know at a glance the exact location of the house.

>Other details of your property:

Fill in all possible data announcement Property: year of construction, condition of the property, area, type of construction and in the case of rental ad, the maximum capacity of people.


Complete all contact information to allow stakeholders to quickly locate and if possible publish more than one phone number.

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