Home For sale in Nuevo Vedado Puentes Grandes Plaza de la Revolución, Havana

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Ad Quality
3.33 / 5

Listing features

Type of property:
Building style:
Sale price:
9 000 CUC
Year of construction:
Building style:
Construction type:
masonry and tile
Home conditions:
Other peculiarities:
  1. ΞFree roof
  2. ΞFront door
  3. ΞPorch

Property description

Ref: 674 182
9 year and 10 months

There are no intermediaries, try to live with me, my name is Mayelin Glez(54391829).


-House Independiente
- door calle
- 2 rooms, one large and the other pequeno
-1 Portal
- 1 Cocina
- 1 bano
-masonry with molten alquitrabes ready to plate and possibilities of extending up , where you can build 2 bedrooms, bath and a balconcito.
-water daily from 3 am to 12 meridiano.
-registered in the registry of property dated Nov/2014.

caracteristicas ceiling of the barrio:

Municipio square. adjacent to new Vedado.

-has little nearby shop and service center, a metropolitan park or place to play Basque pelota, in addition to 26 Havana Zoo is nearby and they are currently remodeling it and services have multiplied and much improved. the animals are precious and currently have many nuevos.
-recently brought was innagurado a mall new to 26 and 51, only 1 km away from the House, which has one of the best deals in hardware and groceries in the capital, besides that it has perfume, bakery, Cafe and part electronic, as well as tools of the sports centre called Ciudad Deportiva only 1 km approximately también.
-there are several agro in the area, including the city Deportiva.
-are the Jardines de la Tropical near only 4 cuadras.
-stop of the P14 and other bus as the 38, 43 and 44 are nearby and if you go up to 26 has more routes like the p3, the 27, the 69 and the 179.

Gracias to the idea of the new shopping centre , it is an area that begins to take even more boom than he already had, and much quieter than in previous years when had many conflicts because of the Tropical gardens. Today is a very quiet and sano.

Otras caracteristica:

la old Colonia

El village of large bridges had its origin at the end of the 16th century. It was a hamlet formed one of the first mills that were established on the outskirts of Havana. Belonged such ingenuity to Hernán Manrique de Rojas and occupying not only its demarcation, but the neighborhood of Mordazo, until very close to the Hill. To be allocated land to other crops, wit workers continued to live in their homes and bohíos.

La neocolonia

alli were installed hydraulic saws moved through the waters of the Almendares, is exploited the quarries nearby, lime and plaster furnaces, a paper mill and subsequently two beer and ice factories and other products that already in the decades of 1940 and 1950 became large and very important national industries. We refer to the Tropical and Polar, pride of Cuba, converted at the same time in playgrounds, sports and amusement, that these companies created around their industries and as an incentive for the exploitation of their products.

Contact data

Full name:
Contact hours:
todo el día

Location of property

CasaInd-PuertCalle-salacomed-coc-2/4-54391829(a1b5)PtesGrand - $9,000
Nuevo Vedado Puentes Grandes
Plaza de la Revolución
CU - Cuba
Home location:
In town, downtown

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